Early Childhood Education And Care

The Network upholds the mandate of the Education Policy Committee to assist countries to develop effective and efficient policies for education and learning to meet individual, social, cultural and economic objectives. The OECD develops international data on ECEC to provide insights on how different ECEC systems are organised across the world. As part of this work, the OECD is developing two studies that will assist countries to improve quality, equity and outcomes in the early years. In terms of human development, the importance of early childhood education can’t be overstated.


Your studies will also explore Indigenous traditional practices of modelling and storytelling as a guidance technique. Neither the demographic background of a child and family nor the type of facility in which the child is enrolled should be a barrier to accessing high-quality programs. The six elements outlined above offer a roadmap to policymakers and stakeholders that allows them to focus on the key structures necessary to support high quality. Explore accreditationof early childhood higher education programs, discover the accreditation system standards, and view a list ofaccredited programs. The ECED program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children .

Emotional Development

The Department of Health and Human Services instituted the Head Start Program to provide early childhood education to children from low-income families and promote their healthy development. You will focus on the issues related to providing respectful and relevant early learning and childcare for all children and families. You will have opportunities to examine your personal beliefs and values as they relate to the planning and implementation of an anti-bias curriculum for children.

Practical Implications Of Early Childhood Education

The Perry Preschool Project, which was conducted in the 1960s in Ypsilanti, Michigan, is the oldest social experiment in the field of early childhood education and has heavily influenced policy in the United States and across the globe. The experiment enrolled 128 three- and four-year-old African-American children with cognitive disadvantage from low-income families, who were then randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. The intervention for children in the treatment group included active learning preschool sessions on weekdays for 2.5 hours per day. The intervention also included weekly visits by the teachers to the homes of the children for about 1.5 hours per visit to improve parent-child interactions at home. ECE programs have extensive field placement opportunities, placing students in preschools, child care programs, hospitals and kindergartens for real-world experience. That makes the educational, emotional, social and physical development that children experience during early childhood vital for future success.

Early childhood education is a term to describe formal and informal educational programs that guide the growth and development of children throughout their preschool years . Children at these ages are entirely dependent on their adult caregivers, including parents, daycare providers, babysitters, extended family members and teachers. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky proposed a "socio-cultural learning theory" that emphasized the impact of social and cultural experiences on individual thinking and the development of mental processes. Vygotsky's theory emerged in the 1930s and is still discussed today as a means of improving and reforming educational practices. In Vygotsky's theories of learning, he also postulated the theory of the zone of proximal development.
